
For one of the most famous Korean cosmetics store on the Moldovan market, we created an elegant and bright website. Due to the contrast of pale, pastel colors, with basic shades of the resource being: white, pink and green, a favorable context was created for the presentation of the product catalog. Dividing the site into blocks visually differentiates the main categories, making it bright and simple. One of the greatest commercial website hits on Moldavian market.

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    UX/UI / Web

Professional brands of Korean cosmetics.

Therefore, the user can easily navigate and quickly find the necessary sections, and as a result we have a bright and convenient online catalog, where customers can easily familiarize themselves with the assortment of the store and purchase products from anywhere in the world.

The era of Collaboratory has just begun.

Few news are worth popping-up on your screen for, but this is definitely one of these announcements.

We are excited to share the greatest of news - Mediapark and our partner companies have opened the door to the Collaboratory and we’re joining forces under the name of Civitta. We in digital just gained some powerful allies: advisory, innovation, and funding, while Civitta will benefit (greatly) from our relentless pursuit for digital excellence.

Beep! Our systems and services are already integrated - prepare your business for all encompassing impact!