SACO is a Saudi Arabian hardware retailing and wholesaling business. SACO has established 31 retail stores (with sizes varying from 2,500 m2 to 22,500 m2) that operate in twelve cities in Saudi Arabia!

App store Google play Website
  • Year
  • Region
    Saudi Arabia
  • Deliverables
    App / UI / UX / Android IOS

Wishlist, loyalty points, built in-app functionality to get in touch, great design app and much more!

The era of Collaboratory has just begun.

Few news are worth popping-up on your screen for, but this is definitely one of these announcements.

We are excited to share the greatest of news - Mediapark and our partner companies have opened the door to the Collaboratory and we’re joining forces under the name of Civitta. We in digital just gained some powerful allies: advisory, innovation, and funding, while Civitta will benefit (greatly) from our relentless pursuit for digital excellence.

Beep! Our systems and services are already integrated - prepare your business for all encompassing impact!