Busy Ghana

The newest 4G operator in Ghana engaged Mediapark to develop Busy self-service apps and website. It has useful features for ​Ghanaians on top of ​their spending while on the go.

App store Google play Website
Busy Ghana
Busy Ghana
  • Client
  • Year
  • Region
    Africa (Ghana)
  • Deliverables
    Web / iOS / Android / Self-service
Busy Ghana

4G operator in Ghana

Users of Busy are able to check ​their​ spendings, usage and remaining balance, and easily top up straight away with a voucher​, credit/debit card or even mobile money.

Busy Ghana
The era of Collaboratory has just begun.

Few news are worth popping-up on your screen for, but this is definitely one of these announcements.

We are excited to share the greatest of news - Mediapark and our partner companies have opened the door to the Collaboratory and we’re joining forces under the name of Civitta. We in digital just gained some powerful allies: advisory, innovation, and funding, while Civitta will benefit (greatly) from our relentless pursuit for digital excellence.

Beep! Our systems and services are already integrated - prepare your business for all encompassing impact!